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English Literature

1.      Daniel Defoe (1660--1731), Robinson Crusoe (1719)

2.      Jane Austen (1775--1817), Pride and Prejudice (1813)

3.       Emily Bronte(1818--1848), Wuthering Heights (1847)

4.      Charles Dickens (1812--1870), David Copperfield (1849)

5.      George Eliot (1819―1880), The Mill on the Floss (1860)

6.      Virginia Woolf (1882--1941), To the Lighthouse (1927)

7.      William Golding (1911--1993), Lord of the Flies (1954)

8.      Doris Lessing (1919- - ), The Golden Notebook (1962)

9.      Salman Rushdie (1947--  ), Midnight’s Children (1981)

10.  A. S. Byatt (1936--  ), Possession: A Romance (1990)


American Literature

1.Henry David Thoreau(1817―1862), Walden(1854)

2.Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804―1864), The Scarlet Letter(1850)

3.Henry James (1843―1916) ,Daisy Miller (1878)

4.Kate Chopin (1850―1904), The Awakening( 1899)

5.Theodore Dreiser (1871―1945), Sister Carrie (1900)

6.F.S. Fitzgerald ( 1896―1940), The Great Gatsby(1925)

7.John Steinbeck (1903―1946) The Grapes of Wrath ( 1939)

8.Ernest Hemingway (1899―1961),The Old Man and the Sea (1952)

9.Toni Morrison(1932---) The Bluest Eye ( 1970)

10.Philip Roth(1933--), The Human Stain (2000)


Australian Literature

1. Katharine Susannah Prichard (1883--1969), Working Bullocks (1921)

2. Elizabeth Jolley (1923--2007), The Well (1986)

3. Sally Morgan (1951- -), My Place (1987)

4. Peter Carey (1943-- ), Oscar and Lucinda (1988)

5. David Malouf (1934- -), Remember Babylon (1993)


Canadian Literature

Margaret Atwood ( 1839--),  The Handmaid's Tale (1985)


Chinese culture, literature and other writings

钱钟书. 《钱钟书英文文集》

林语堂. 《林语堂双语文集》(《小评论》)

沈复. 《浮生六记》 林语堂译

林语堂.The Importance of Living 

林语堂.My Country and My people

辜鸿铭. The Spirit of the Chinese People

胡适. 胡适英文文存(一至三卷)

金岳霖 全集 (5)

《论语》The Analects James Legge 译本

《道德经》Tao Te Ching  Arthur Waley译本

《孙子兵法》The Art of War  Lionel Giles译本

《庄子》 James Legge 译本

冯友兰《中国哲学简史》A Short History of Chinese Philosophy

Zhang Dainian. Key Concepts in Chinese Philosophy. Trans. Edmund Ryden.



Joan Pinkham. The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish

E. B. White. The Elements of Style.

Wayne Booth et al. The Craft of Research (third edition)

Katel Turabian. Student’s Guide to Writing College papers (Fourth edition)

Katherine Acheson. Writing essays about literature.